Beginners Guide to Set and Map in JavaScript (Part 2 πŸ˜‰)

Beginners Guide to Set and Map in JavaScript (Part 2 πŸ˜‰)

Hello World, Akwaaba πŸ‘‹. In our previous post, we learnt about the Set data structure, and how it can help you store unique values you can read about it here; we continue the lesson by looking at the next data structure Map.

Even though, Object can be used to store keyed collections , it is not enough in real life to handle complex data structures, that is why the Map was introduced in the ES6. Let's strengthen our JS muscles with some Maps. πŸ’ͺ

What is Map

Map is a collection of keyed data items, just like an Object. However, Map allows us to use keys of any datatype.

It is a data structure that we can use to map values to keys. Just like an Object has a key: value pair, it is the same with Map, the only difference is that with Map the key can be of any type. Which means strings , arrays and objects can be used as keys in Map. Cool right 😎

Map Methods

The following methods and properties are available to use:

  • new Map()

  • map.set(key, value)

  • map.get(key)

  • map.has(key)

  • map.delete(key)

  • map.size

  • map.clear()

Alright, now that you know what a Map is, let's see how to create one.

Creating a new Map

To create a map, use the syntax below

const myMap = new Map([iterable]);

Usually, it is best to create an empty map using the new Map() syntax and then later add elements to the map using the set() method

Adding elements to a map

To add elements to a map, use the set() method.
The syntax is as below map.set(key, value)

So let's create a user map

let user = new Map();
console.log(user.set("name" ,"Emmanuel"));
/* key = "name", value = "Emmanuel" */
/*Map(1) {"name" => "Emmanuel"} */

In the above, we created a user Map and added values to it, in the set() method, we specify the key of the map using a string - name and the value was set to the string, Emmanuel.

Note that in Map the key can be of any data type so we could have used a Number, Boolean or an Object as the key.

Let's create another Map using a Number as a key

let numeric = new Map();
console.log(numeric.set(1, "Used number as key"));
/*Map(1) {1 => "Used numbers as key"} */

Is Map Different from Object ?

Object is very similar to Map what distinguishes a Map from an Object is with that with the Map the key can be of any data type both primitive and reference type can be used, whilst Object only deals with primitive type as keys.

Now,let's take a scenario where we can use Object as keys in a Map.

Using Object as keys

Consider a scenario where you have some distinct user objects and you want to assign a role to each user. Meaning, you want the Object to be the key and the role the value.

Let's see how you can achieve that using Map

let john = {name: "Johnson Tetteh"},
    ama = {name: "Ama Brandson"},
    kofi = {name: "Kofi Mensah"};

    /* create the userRoles map */
    let userRoles = new Map();
    /* add elements to the map  using the set , the set method is chainable*/
    userRoles.set(john, "admin").set(ama,"editor").set(kofi, "super admin");
/* Map(3) {{…} => "admin", {…} => "editor", {…} => "super admin"}
0: {Object => "admin"}
1: {Object => "editor"}
2: {Object => "super admin"}

What is happening above πŸ’­

In the code above, we used the defined objects (john, ama and kofi) as keys (which is one of the most notable and significant Map feature because we cannot use Object as key in Object. String as a key in Object is fine, but we can’t use another Object as a key in Object.) and we linked these keys to the needed values (which are the roles )

Get an element from a map

Ok, so let's say you have a Map and you want to get a value from it, how is that done ? 😐



The map.get(key) method returns the value of a map by the provided key.

Let's assume you want to get the role of Kofi in the userRoles Map, let's see how that can be achieved

  console.log(userRoles.get(kofi)) /* super admin */

Here we called the get() method on the userRoles Map and we passed in the key kofi, doing so returns the value super admin

Checking the existence of an element.

So let take a situation where you have been given a Map and you want to check is a given key exists in the Map. Let's see how to achieve that:

The map.has(key) helps you to check if a key exists, it returns true if the provided key exists, false otherwise.

Let's still stay on the userRoles map and check if the ama key exists

    userRoles.has(ama) /*  true */

Count the number of elements

Ok, now we want to count the number of items in the Map, how do we go about it ? 😏


map.size – returns the current element count.

The map.size returns the number of elements in a map Let's check how many elements we have in the userRoles map

userRoles.size /* 3*/

Alternative approach to adding elements to a map

As described, you can add elements to a map using the map.set() method, however this approach is not sustainable as you will have to continue chaining the set() method to each call in order to create additional elements.

Let's see another way to populate a map when there are a lot of values to set

For instance, let's create a Map of all orderedMenu in a restaurant and later get all the keys.

let orderedMenu = new Map([
['Fried Rice', 3],
["Potato fries", 4],
['Spaghetti', 1],
["Banku", 1]

/*  Map(4) {"Fried Rice" => 3, "Potato fries" => 4, "Spaghetti" => 1, "Banku" => 1} */

What is happening in the above πŸ‘†

  • We create a new map using the new Map()

  • We pass it an array so we get new Map([])

  • With the items in the Array, the first item will be the key, and the second item its value

Iterating over Map keys

The map.keys() method enables us loop over all the keys in a map. For instance, let's loop over all keys in the orderedMenu map above using the for... of syntax

let orderedMenu = new Map([
['Fried Rice', 3],
["Potato fries", 4],
['Spaghetti', 1],
["Banku", 1]
/* iterate over the keys (menu) */
for(let menu of orderedMenu.keys()){
/* Fried Rice Potato fries Spaghetti Banku */

Iterating over map values

Because Map accepts any iterable you can loop over all the values in the Map. The map.values() method enables us achieve that .

Taking the orderedMenu Map, we can iterate over all the values which is the number of menu to order for each menu. Let's take a look.

for(let numOfMenu of orderedMenu.values()){

/* 3 4 1 1  */

Iterating over map elements / entries

The map.entries() method gives you access to an array of [key,value] pair of each element in the Map object. Meaning for each Map you can get the entries(key and value) and store the items in an array using destructuring assignment

Using the orderedMenu Map, let's iterate over the keys and values and print a nice message to the console.

for(let [menu, number] of orderedMenu.entries()){ /* use destructuring to get the key and value
into the variable number and menu respectively */
    console.log(`You ordered ${number} , ${menu}`)
You ordered 3 , Fried Rice
You ordered 4 , Potato fries
You ordered 1 , Spaghetti
You ordered 1 , Banku

Creating Map from Object

If we an an Object we can convert that Object into Map by utilizing the Object.entries(obj) method.
The Object.entries(obj) will return an array of key/value pair for a given Object. We then pass this array into the new Map(iteraable) method to create a Map from an Object.

Let's take a look at how that can be done.

let user = {
    name: "John",
    age: 30
/* return  an array of key/value pairs  */
/*  This creates an array from the object : (2) [Array(2), Array(2)] */

/* Pass the conversion from Object to array straight into the new Map() method */
let userMap = new Map(Object.entries(user)); /*to create a Map, 
you need an array or iterable  so this work* /
/* Map(2) {"name" => "John", "age" => 30} */

Let's see what is happening here

  • We used the Object.entries() method to return an array of key/value pair [ ["name","John"], ["age", 30] ] an Array is exactly what is need to create a Map

  • Now, we pass the Array into the new Map() method to create the Map

Creating Object from Map

We learnt how to create Map from Object using the Object.entries() method. πŸ‘† We can use the Object.fromEntries method where when given an Array of [key, value] pairs, it creates an Object from them

let orderedMenu = Object.fromEntries([
['Fried Rice', 3],
["Potato fries", 4],
['Spaghetti', 1],
["Banku", 1]
/* We created an object from a map */
/* {Fried Rice: 3, Potato fries: 4, Spaghetti: 1, Banku: 1} */

Convert Map keys or values to a array

Let's still stick with the orderedMenu map, and lets say we want to convert all the keys in the map into an Array. Let's see how that can be achieved .

let orderedMenu = new Map ([
['Fried Rice', 3],
["Potato fries", 4],
['Spaghetti', 1],
["Banku", 1]
console.log(orderedMenu); /* creates a map object */
/* logs all keys of the map object 
 {"Fried Rice", "Potato fries", "Spaghetti", "Banku"}
* /
/* Use the spread operator to unpack all the keys into single elements and store it in an array */
["Fried Rice", "Potato fries", "Spaghetti", "Banku"]

We can also follow the same steps to unpack all the values of the map object into an array

let orderedMenu = new Map ([
['Fried Rice', 3],
["Potato fries", 4],
['Spaghetti', 1],
["Banku", 1]
console.log(orderedMenu); /* creates a map object */
console.log(orderedMenu.values()); /*Get all the values of the Map */
/* {3, 4, 1, 1} */
console.log([...orderedMenu.values()]); /*Unpack the values into an Array */
/* [3, 4, 1, 1] */

Whew, that was an exciting journey of Map and Set, if you are a bit confused, i recommend you take a break or go with the sleep therapy 😴 and come back later. It will all be very clearer


In summary

  • Map is a collection of keyed data items, just like an Object. But the main difference is that Map allows keys of any type.

  • Set is also a collection , but with Set, we are looking at collecting unique values or values without any repetition or duplicates.

Me daa se

PS: Akwaaba and Me daa se are Ghanaian πŸ‡¬πŸ‡­ dialect meaning, Welcome and Thank you respectively ❀️

Writing with love from πŸ‡¬πŸ‡­