In this article, you will learn how to use Typescript in your React applications to write better, more type-safe code. Typescript adds rules on how different kinds of values can be used. This helps developers catch and fix type-related errors as they write their code in the editor.
At the end of the article you will know:
What Typescript is and why it is important
Understand the everyday types you will use in your app
How to type
in a componentHow to type
events handlers
How to type values in
Basic understanding of React
Familiarity with TypeScript everyday types
Introduction to TypeScript: a static type checker
Developers encounter a lot of type errors when building apps. This means some value was used where we would expect a specific kind of value. For example, you accessed a property on an object that was not present.
Here is an example:
const userDetails = {name:"Emmanuel", location:"Ghana"}
//loction property does not exist on the userDetails
console.log(userDetails.loction) //check the spelling of loction
The objective of Typescript is to be a static type checker for JavaScript programs. Static type checking is how to determine what is an error and what's not based on the kind of value being operated on. Typescript is a tool that runs before your code runs to ensure the correct types of values.
Using Typescript developers can check for errors when programming before running the app. It achieves this by checking the type of values assigned to variables, function parameters, or values returned by a function. If the value assigned to the variable does not match the data type defined for that variable, Typescript catches that as an error and allows you to fix it.
This improves the development experience as it catches errors as you type the code rather than checking the browser or console to detect the error.
Why add Typescript to JavaScript
JavaScript is a dynamic type(loosely typed) language. This means you do not specify the type stored in a variable in advance. With dynamic typed language, variables can change their type during runtime. A variable can be assigned a string
and later assigned an object
. This means type errors may only be discovered at run time.
To avoid this experience, Typescript has been added as a layer on top of the JavaScript language. This introduces static typing to JavaScript. In static typing, you explicitly define data types of the values, function parameters, and return values while writing the program and cannot change during runtime.
A Typescript compiler in your project enforces type correctness by checking the types of variables and expressions before the app is executed. If an error is detected, the app will not be compiled until the errors are fixed. As a result, Typescript catches type-related errors during development, improving code quality.
In the next section, we will look at the type annotation and common types in Typescript.
Understanding type annotation
You can add a type annotation to explicitly specify the type of the variable, functions, objects, etc.
Type annotations are specified by adding a colon (:)
followed by the specified type after the identifier.
For example, in the context of variables and constants, the syntax for type annotations is as follows:
let variableName: type;
let variableName: type = value;
const constantName: type = value;
Here is an example of how to annotate and assign primitive data types ( string
, number
, boolean
) to variables.
let userName: string = "Emmanuel" //assigns a string value to userName
let age: number = 23 // assigns a number value to age
let isLoggedIn: boolean = true // assigns a boolean value to isLoggedIn
Once a variable is annotated with a type, it can be used as that type only. If the variable is used as a different type, TypeScript will issue an error.
For instance, you can only assign a string value to the userName
. If you try assigning a number, it will throw an error.
See the example below:
userName = 23
//error logged
Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'.
Basic Types
In this section, we will revisit some basic types to help you understand the TypeScript type system. Here are some basic types:
Array: To annotate a array
type you use the specific type followed by a square bracket.
Here is the syntax:
let arrayName: type[];
For instance, the code below specifies an array of strings
let persons: string[] = ["Emmanuel", "Robert", "Thomas"]
Object: To specify a type for an object, you use the object type annotation. Here is an example:
//annotate the type for each property in the object
let userDetails: {
name: string,
age: number,
location: string,
isLoggedIn: boolean
// assign the expected values to each property
userDetails = {
age: 23,
location: "Ghana",
isLoggedIn: true
In the example above, the properties of theuserDetails
has been annotated with the preferred type:
of typestring
of typenumber
of typestring
of typeboolean
Functions: Functions are the primary way of passing data in JavaScript. Typescript allows you to specify the types for both the parameters
and the return values.
On declaring a function, you can add type annotation after each parameter
The example below shows a function with type annotation for the name
// Parameter type annotation
function greetUser(name: string) {
console.log(`Hellos ${name});
Now that the name
has a string
type, any argument passed to the function will be checked. If it does not match the expected type, Typescript catches it and throws an error.
Here is an example:
//when executed, it will generate a runtime error
//error log
Argument of type 'number' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'.
Return Type annotation: Return type annotations appear after the parameter list to indicate the type of the returned value.
Here is an example:
// the function would return a number
function getNumber(): number {
return 26;
If a function does not return any value, the return type is void
function greetUser(): void {
console.log("Hi there")
Function parameter types
If object
is passed as a parameter to a function, you will use the object type annotation. To annotate an object
type, you annotate the type for each property
Here is an example:
function showUserDetails(user:{firstName: string, age: number}){
console.log(`Hello ${user.firstName}, you are ${user.age} years`)
showUserDetails({firstName:"Emmanuel", age:23})
Optional Properties
You can specify that a property in an object is optional. To do this, add a ?
after the property
Using the previous example, you can set the lastName
property as optional.
Here is an updated version:
//parameter with optional lastName
function showUserDetails(user:{firstName: string, lastName?:string, age: number}){
console.log(`Hello ${user.firstName}, you are ${user.age} years`)
showUserDetails({firstName:"Emmanuel", age:23}) // lastName is optional
showUserDetails({firstName:"Rober", lastName:"King",age: 24}) //lastName is included
Union Types
Union Types allows developers to build new types by combining different types.
Below is the syntax
let variableName: type | anotherType
For instance:
let userId: string | number
//userId can be assigned either a string or number type
userId = 2
userId = "2"
In the example below, we have declared a function that can accept either a string
or number
type as a parameter
//type can be a number or string
function getUserId(id:number | string){
console.log(`The user ID is ${id}`)
getUserId(9) // works when a number is passed
getUserId("23") // works when a string is passed
Type aliases
Type aliases allow developers to use the same type more than once and refer to it by a single name.
The syntax for a type alias is:
type alias = existingType
The existingType
can be any valid type.
Here are some examples:
type chars = string
let message: chars //same as assigning a string type
//object type now has an alias UserType
type UserType = {
firstName: string,
lastName?: string,
age: number
function showUserDetails(user:UserType){
console.log(`Hello ${user.firstName}, you are ${user.age} years`)
Interfaces are similar to type aliases. However, they only apply to object
Here is an example of an interface
//declare the interface
interface UserInter {
lastName?: string,
age: number
function showUserDetails(user:UserInter){
console.log(`Hello ${user.firstName}, you are ${user.age} years`)
We have covered all the common types used in TypeScript. In the next section, we will know how to add TypeScript to a React app.
Setting up Typescript in a React project
To start a React app project with TypeScript, you can run:
npx create-react-app my-app --template typescript
This will add TypeScript to your React app. Replace "my-app" with the name of your app. Notice that all the familiar .jsx
extensions will be replaced by .tsx
. Also, any component you create should end in the .tsx
. For instance MyComponent.tsx
Here is the GitHub for the tutorial. For easy reference, the concepts to learn are in a separate branch
First, let's learn how to type React Components
Typing React Function Component
Use React.FC
to explicitly specify the type of a React Function component including its props. This provides type-checking and autocomplete for static properties. When you define a component using React.FC
, you can specify the type of the component's props within angle brackets.
Below is the syntax
Here are some examples of typing function components
import React from "react";
const MyComponent: React.FC = () => {
return <div>MyComponent</div>;
export default MyComponent;
Typing component props
Components accept props
. props
have values hence, you can type props. With this approach, TypeScript will provide type checking and validation for props passed to the component. When you call the component and assign a value of the wrong type to the prop, TypeScript will throw an error.
There are four approaches to typing props:
Using React.FC
Define types inline
Use a type alias
Use an interface
Inline typing with destructuring
Here is an example of using React.FC
to type props
import React from "react";
//Example of typing React Component props
const MyComponent: React.FC<{ hasLoggedIn: boolean }> = ({ hasLoggedIn }) => {
return <div>{hasLoggedIn && "Welcome to learn TypeScript"}</div>;
export default MyComponent;
In the example above we:
is of typeReact.FC
Explicitly type the props using angle brackets:
React.FC<{ hasLoggedIn: boolean }>
prop is of typeboolean
Here is another example of using React.FC
to type props:
//Greetings2 accepts firstName and lastName props
const Greetings2: React.FC<{ firstName: string; lastName: string }> = ({
}) => {
return (
Hello {firstName} {lastName}
You can also type the props within the parameter (inline typing of props)
Here is an example of inline typing of props:
export const MyComponent2 = ({ hasLoggedIn }: { hasLoggedIn: boolean }) => {
return (
{hasLoggedIn && "Welcome to learn inline typing of props TypeScript"}
In the example above we:
Destructure the
propsAnnotate the type of the
If the component accepts more than one prop, you can perform inline destructuring of the props and type each prop.
Here is an example:
export const MyComponent3 = ({
}: {
firstName: string;
age: number;
}) => {
return (
Hello {firstName} you have {age} years of development experience
When the MyComponent3
is called and we assign the value "Emmanuel" to the firstName
prop only, TypeScript will underline the component with a red squiggly line to indicate there is an error. On hovering, it indicates what the errors are
In this example:
TypeScript performs a type-checking and realizes the
prop has not been passed toMyComponent3
Such errors would have been unnoticed in React when writing the code and only show when the app runs but with TypeScript functionality added, we can quickly spot and fix the error.
To fix it, we pass the
prop to theMyComponent3
Here is the fixed component
<MyComponent3 firstName="Emmanuel" age={3} />
Using type alias with inline typing
Instead of using inline prop type: ({firstName, lastName}: { firstName: string; lastName: string })
, you can use a type alias which is another name you are giving to the defined type, and replace the inline type with the alias.
Let's call the type alias Greetings
//type alias Greetings is an object with typed properties
type Greetings = {
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
Now, replace the inline typing with Greetings
//using type aliase
const Greetings = ({ firstName, lastName }: Greetings) => {
return (
Welcome {firstName}
Using Type alias with React.FC
Here's an example of using a type alias with React.FC
in TypeScript
//The props is of type TGreetings
type TGreetings = {
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
//Type the props using React.FC
const Greetings3: React.FC<TGreetings> = ({ firstName, lastName }) => {
return (
Hello {firstName}
Typing component that accepts an array of object
When typing a component that accepts an array of objects in TypeScript, you can use a type alias to define the structure of the objects within the array
Here is an example of how to achieve that:
import React from "react";
//define the structure of the objects within the array
type UserType = {
name: string;
age: number;
hasPaid: boolean;
//UserType[] has an alias UserTypeArray
type UserTypeArray = UserType[];
//use the type alias for the data props within React.FC
const Users: React.FC<{ data: UserTypeArray }> = ({ data }) => {
return <div>{/* Something goes here */}</div>;
export default Users;
In the above we:
Renamed the type for each property in the object with an alias
.Because we expect an array of objects we use the syntax
. HenceUserType[]
represents a type alias composed of an array of objectsRenamed the
with type aliasUserTypeArray
component withReact.FC
.Finally, we type the
props with aliasUserTypeArray
Now, we can mount the User
component and pass it the required values. TypeScript will compile and validate that the type of each property matches the expected type
import React from "react";
import Users from "./components/TypingProps/Users";
function App() {
const userDetails = [
{ name: "Roberty Hagan", age: 23, hasPaid: true },
{ name: "Timothy Tans", age: 12, hasPaid: false },
{ name: "Cynthia Robets", age: 34, hasPaid: true },
return (
<h3>React TypeScript Tutorial</h3>
<Users data={userDetails} />
export default App;
Using components as props
Generally, to pass components as props, you wrap the Child
component around the Parent
component. Here is an example:
<Child />
In such situations use React.ReactNode
to type the children prop in the Parent component
Let's see an example
import React from "react";
const Parent = ({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }) => {
return (
This is the Parent component
export default Parent;
In the code above:
component accepts thechildren
props is of typeReact.ReactNode
This indicates to TypeScript the parent component will accept another component as a prop.
Typing events
React events are triggered by actions such as clicks, changes in input elements, etc. TypeScript allows you to type different event
passed as parameters to event handler functions.
Here are some examples:
: This represents the type of event object that is created when a button is clicked.React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>
: This represents the type of event object created when the value of an input element is changed.
Let's see an example of typing an onClick
import React from "react";
const UserInput = () => {
const handleClick = (e) => {
console.log("button clicked");
return (
<input type="text" name="" id="" placeholder="Enter name" />
<button onClick={handleClick}>Submit </button>
export default UserInput;
In the example above, we have a handleClick
event handler that accepts an e
prop. Because we have not typed the e
parameter, TypeScript annotates the type with any
, and compiles with an error.
To fix this in TypeScript, when you define an event handler for a button click, the event
parameter is of type React.MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>
. This ensures type safety and provides access to properties specific to the mouse event linked to the button click.
import React from "react";
const UserInput = () => {
//add type to mouse event
const handleClick = (e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>) => {
console.log("button clicked");
export default UserInput;
When the input elements such as text fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, etc accept an onChange
event, in the event handler, the type of the event
will be React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>
Below is an example:
//typing the event parameter in an onChange event handler
const handleInputChange = (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
placeholder="Enter name"
In summary, When you want to type a native event handler, just hover over on the event: onClick
, onChange
etc to find the event type to use.
Here is an example using the onClick
In the next section, you will learn how to type useState
Typing useState
When using the useState
hook in a TypeScript component, there are ways to type the state
and the setState
function to ensure type safety
Here are some approaches:
Inferring type
Providing type
Custom type
Explicitly setting types for complex objects
Type signature of useState
Let's see some examples:
- Inferring type: Typescript can infer type based on the initial value
const [value, setValue] = useState(""); //string type inferred
const [value, setValue] = useState(0); // number type inferrred
Providing type: Use TypeScript Generics to explicitly provide the type
const [value, setValue] = useState<string>("Hello World"); // Typed the initial value as a string const [value, setValue] = useState<string|null>(null); // Typed initial value as string or null using union type
Custom type: When dealing with values like objects or arrays, TypeScript generics can be used to specify the custom type.
Here is an example:
export const Example2 = () => { //define a type alias for the object type TUser = { name: string; age: number; hasRegistered: boolean; }; //user is of type TUser const [user, setUser] = useState<TUser>({ name: "Emmanuel", age: 23, hasRegistered: true, }); return ( <div> <h2>Example of custom type with object </h2> <p> Hello {}, you are {user.age} years old and {user.hasRegistered && "has registered"} </p> </div> ); };
In the code above, we :
type each property in the object, and renamed the object type as
using type aliasSpecified the
state to be of typeTUser
with empty array
When the useState
hook is initialized with an empty array []
, TypeScript will infer the type of state variable as never
array. This means the state variable will never contain any elements. Therefore, if you attempt to update the state to an array of object
, it will result in an error.
Below is the screenshot of useState
initialized with an empty array []
. When you hover over the useState
in your code editor, the type is <never[]>
Now, on button click, we call the
event listener and thesetUsers
updates theusers
state to an array ofobjects
.In the
, wemap
over each item in the state and return theuserName
This code will work fine in a general React app, but with TypeScript support added, you will notice errors in the editor. Because the useState
hook uses type inference to initialize the users
state to the type never[]
. Later the setUsers
method tries to update it to an array
of object
. TypeScript is not happy so it compiles with errors.
To fix this, we need to initialize the users
state with a type.
Here is how to achieve that:
Just after the
, define a generic type<>
Between the
, specify the type for the state. In this example, the type is an array of objects.{}[]
Specify the type for each property in the object
{id:number, userName:string}[]
The code is as below:
//adding type to the useState hook.
const [users, setUsers] = useState<{ id: number; name: string, age:number }[]>([]);
You can give the object an alias and use the alias instead. Here is an example:
//type alias
type TUser = {
id: number;
name: string;
age: number;
const [users, setUsers] = useState<TUser[]>([]);
Typing useContext
To type the useContext
with TypeScript, you will create a context object and specify the type of the context value using the generic type parameter. Now, when you consume the context with useContext
, TypeScript will infer the type based on the content object.
Here is an example:
import { createContext } from "react";
//define a type alias for the object type
type Theme = {
color: string;
background: string;
export const ThemeContext = createContext<Theme>({
color: "black",
background: "red",
In the example above :
- The
is created with a generic type parameterTheme
. This specifies the type of the context value
Next, in your component, call the useContext
hook. When you use the hook, TypeScript infers the type of the context value based on the type provided when creating the context
Here is an example
import React, { useContext } from "react";
import { ThemeContext } from "./ThemeContext";
const ThemeComponent = () => {
const theme = useContext(ThemeContext);
return (
<div style={{ color: theme.color, background: theme.background }}>
<h3>Theme Component</h3>
export default ThemeComponent;
In the example above we:
Call the
hook.Read the value from the
If you don't have any default value when you create the context, you can specify null
and set the type of value the createContext
will have.
Here is an example:
import { createContext } from "react";
//define type alias
type Theme = {
color: string;
background: string;
//default value is set to null
export const ThemeContext = createContext<Theme | null>(null);
This means the type of the ThemeContext
value can be null
or Theme.
Now that the type context can be
, you'll get a TypeScript error if you try to access any value fromtheme
To fix this, add optional chaining to the
to ensure theobject
exist before accessing any property.
Here is an example:
import React, { useContext } from "react";
import { ThemeContext } from "./ThemeContext";
const ThemeComponent = () => {
const theme = useContext(ThemeContext);
return (
//add optional chaining to the `theme`
<div style={{ color: theme?.color, background: theme?.background }}>
<h3>Theme Component</h3>
export default ThemeComponent;
Typing useRef
You can specify the type of the referenced element by providing a generic type parameter to the useRef
Here is an example:
import { useRef } from "react";
const Example = () => {
const inputRef = useRef<HTMLInputElement>(null);
return (
<input type="text" placeholder="Please enter name" ref={inputRef} />
- In this example,
is a reference to an input element, and the typeHTMLInputElement
is specified as the generic type parameter.
Let's summarize what you know
In Summary
TypeScript adds static typing to React code. This allows developers to specify the type of the data being passed around within the code.
With type checking, you wil catch type-related errors during development, not at runtime.
Code editors like VSCode with TypeScript support provides features like autocompletion and type checking.
Props typing helps specify the types of data that component expect, ensuring the component receives valid data.
You can type hooks
, etc to specify the type of the arguments and return values
Congratulations, you now know how to use TypeScript in your React App. For further reading check out this React TypeScript cheat sheet